May 21


Rooting for Rivals: How Collaboration and Generosity Increase the Impact of Leaders, Charities, and Churches

By Ron Kelleher

May 21, 2023

Chris Horst, Peter Greer, Rooting for Rivals

“Rooting for Rivals” by Peter Greer and Chris Horst offers a compelling and transformative perspective on collaboration and generosity in the realm of leadership, charities, and churches. Through thought-provoking insights, real-world examples, and practical strategies, Greer and Horst challenge the prevailing competitive mindset and advocate for a paradigm shift towards collaboration and cooperation.

One of the book’s greatest strengths lies in the authors’ ability to present a compelling case for the power of collaboration. Greer and Horst draw from extensive research and engaging narratives to demonstrate that when leaders and organizations choose to work together, rather than against each other, the potential for impact and positive change exponentially increases. They emphasize the importance of shifting from a scarcity mentality to an abundance mentality, recognizing that there is enough room for multiple organizations and leaders to thrive and make a difference.

The authors provide practical guidance on how leaders and organizations can cultivate a collaborative mindset. They explore topics such as building trust, finding common ground, and leveraging shared resources. Through real-world case studies and inspiring stories, Greer and Horst illustrate the transformative results that can emerge when individuals and organizations put aside their competitive instincts and embrace a spirit of generosity and collaboration.

What sets “Rooting for Rivals” apart is its focus on the charitable and faith-based sectors. The authors address the unique challenges faced by leaders in these arenas, such as limited resources, donor fatigue, and the pressure to “go it alone.” They argue that by embracing collaboration and strategic partnerships, organizations can amplify their impact, increase efficiency, and tackle complex societal issues more effectively. By highlighting the successes and lessons learned from collaborative initiatives, Greer and Horst provide valuable insights that can be applied across various sectors.

Furthermore, “Rooting for Rivals” explores the power of generosity as a key driver of collaboration. Greer and Horst challenge leaders to adopt a mindset of abundance and cultivate a generous spirit in their organizations. They argue that by freely sharing knowledge, resources, and networks, leaders can create a collective force that has a far greater impact than any individual organization could achieve alone. The authors provide practical suggestions for fostering a culture of generosity and collaboration, both within and beyond organizational boundaries.

In addition to practical strategies, the book addresses the underlying attitudes and heart shifts necessary for effective collaboration. Greer and Horst emphasize the need for humility, vulnerability, and a willingness to learn from others. They highlight the transformative nature of relationships and the power of collective wisdom. By presenting a compelling vision of collaboration as a means to create lasting change, the authors inspire readers to shift their perspective and embrace a more collaborative approach to leadership.

In conclusion, “Rooting for Rivals: How Collaboration and Generosity Increase the Impact of Leaders, Charities, and Churches” is an insightful and timely book that challenges leaders to rethink their approach to competition and embrace collaboration for greater impact. Peter Greer and Chris Horst offer a compelling case for the power of working together, providing practical strategies and inspiring examples that demonstrate the transformative results that can emerge when leaders choose generosity and collaboration over rivalry. Whether you are a leader in the nonprofit, business, or faith-based sector, this book will inspire and equip you to cultivate a collaborative mindset and increase your collective impact. “Rooting for Rivals” is a must-read for anyone seeking to make a meaningful difference in the world through collaborative and generous leadership.

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Ron Kelleher
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