Barnabas Character Study

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Character Study

9 Lessons

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Participants in this series on Barnabas will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of this important figure in the early church. They will explore how Barnabas demonstrated encouragement, bridge-building, discernment, generosity, missionary zeal, peacemaking, and mentoring, and how we can learn from his example to grow in our own relationships and ministries. The series will also discuss the relevance of Barnabas' life and teachings for today's church, providing insights and inspiration for modern believers.

Barnabas Character Study

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In this lesson, we will introduce Barnabas, a significant figure in the early church known for his generosity, encouragement, and missionary work. We will discuss the importance of studying biblical figures and how their examples can inspire us in our own lives. Through exploring Barnabas' life and character, we will gain a deeper understanding of his role in the early church and how we can learn from his example.

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In this lesson, we will explore the life and character of Barnabas, a significant figure in the early church known for his encouragement and support of others. We will examine how Barnabas encouraged the early church and the apostle Paul, and how we can learn from his example of encouragement in our own relationships and ministries.

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In this lesson, we will explore the life and character of Barnabas, a significant figure in the early church known for his ability to bridge the gap between the Jewish and Gentile believers. We will examine how Barnabas built bridges across cultural and social barriers, and how we can learn from his example in our own lives.

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In this lesson, we will explore the life and character of Barnabas, a significant figure in the early church known for his discernment in recognizing and supporting emerging leaders such as Paul and John Mark. We will examine how Barnabas demonstrated his discernment, and how we can learn from his example in identifying and supporting leaders in our own lives and ministries.

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In this lesson, we will explore the life and character of Barnabas, a significant figure in the early church known for his generosity in sharing his resources with those in need. We will examine how Barnabas demonstrated his generosity, and how we can learn from his example in stewarding our own time, talents, and treasures.

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In this lesson, we will explore the life and ministry of Barnabas, a significant figure in the early church known for his role in launching the first missionary journey with Paul. We will examine how Barnabas demonstrated his missionary zeal and passion for sharing the gospel, and how we can follow his example in our own lives.

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In this lesson, we will explore the life and ministry of Barnabas, a significant figure in the early church known for his role in seeking to reconcile and restore his relationship with John Mark. We will examine how Barnabas demonstrated his peacemaking skills and sought unity in the body of Christ, and how we can learn from his example in resolving conflicts in our own lives and ministries.

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In this lesson, we will explore the life and ministry of Barnabas, a significant figure in the early church known for his role in mentoring and training young leaders like Paul and Timothy. We will examine how Barnabas invested in the next generation of leaders, and how we can learn from his example in mentoring and training emerging leaders in our own lives and ministries.

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In this final lesson, we will recap the strengths and weaknesses of Barnabas as an individual and explore how we can apply his examples to our own lives and ministries. We will discuss the relevance of Barnabas' life and teachings for today's church and how we can emulate his spirit of generosity, encouragement, and mission.

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About the teacher

Ron Kelleher

I am the founder of Work-Life Bible Study and CEO of Inspired Leadership, Inc. 

After retiring from a 36-year business career, I entered Talbot Seminary at BIOLA University, where I completed my Masters in Biblical Studies and Theology. Following my graduation from seminary, I was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel. I started Work-Life Bible Study because my desire is for every small group that meets in a workplace to have access to Bible Study materials designed to help you strengthen your faith and build deeper relationships with your colleagues in the workplace.

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