IL: Integrity

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Inspired Leadership

4 Lessons

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IL: Integrity

Subscribers only

This Bible study delves into the topic of being an effective and productive Christian by exploring the eight traits outlined by Peter in 2 Peter 1:5-7. Participants will examine each trait, starting with faith as the foundation, and progress through goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, kindness, and love. Through reflection on biblical examples and discussions, participants will gain insights on how to apply these traits in their lives, achieve effectiveness and productivity as believers, and experience the promised rewards of a faithful life.

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This Bible study explores the topic of being trapped in undesirable jobs and how believers can navigate such situations. Drawing inspiration from biblical characters like Joseph, Esther, Nehemiah, and Daniel, participants will discuss the two options available to individuals in such circumstances: stay or go. Through the teachings of Paul in his letters to the Corinthians and Colossians, the study emphasizes the importance of working in the name of the Lord, obeying with sincerity and reverence, and being a positive example in the workplace. Participants will reflect on their own experiences, learn from biblical examples, and discover ways to find purpose and meaning in their work, even if it’s not ideal.

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Participants in this Bible study will explore the importance of maintaining integrity and avoiding compromise in leadership. Drawing from the examples of fallen leaders like Ravi Zacharias and Brian Houston, as well as the biblical account of King David, this study will examine the destructive consequences of compromised integrity and the impact it has on the perception of Christianity. Through four essential steps—fleeing temptation, resisting with the help of the Holy Spirit, discerning between good and evil, and separating from compromising environments—participants will learn how to build a life without compromise and uphold their integrity as Christian leaders.

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Subscribers only

Participants in this Bible study will explore the topic of integrity among Christian leaders and the challenges they face in upholding biblical principles in the face of societal decay. Drawing from the article “Our Integrity as Christian Leaders is Most Often Hurt by This One Thing!” they will delve into the importance of sound doctrine, the responsibility of leaders to teach and live out God’s Word, and the need for courage and conviction in addressing unbiblical behavior and teachings. Through discussion and reflection, participants will gain insights on maintaining integrity, deepening their understanding of biblical doctrine, and equipping themselves to counter false teachings with sound doctrine.

Text lesson


About the teacher

Ron Kelleher

I am the founder of Work-Life Bible Study and CEO of Inspired Leadership, Inc. 

After retiring from a 36-year business career, I entered Talbot Seminary at BIOLA University, where I completed my Masters in Biblical Studies and Theology. Following my graduation from seminary, I was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel. I started Work-Life Bible Study because my desire is for every small group that meets in a workplace to have access to Bible Study materials designed to help you strengthen your faith and build deeper relationships with your colleagues in the workplace.

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