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Topical: Personal Development

5 Lessons

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Participants in this Bible study course will learn about the importance of integrity in their service to God. Through a study of various biblical passages such as Hebrews 13:8, Isaiah 6:1-7, Matthew 23:1-39, and 1 Timothy 4:15-16, they will explore what it means to choose to serve God with sincerity and truthfulness, the unchanging nature of God and how it relates to integrity, the integrity of choosing to serve God, the importance of integrity, and how to live with integrity. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of how integrity is a vital aspect of their faith and how they can apply these lessons in their daily lives.


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In this study, participants will explore the concept of integrity and its importance in serving God. The study will use 1 Samuel 12:1-4 as a starting point for the discussion and will include an icebreaker and an optional activity to brainstorm practical ways to uphold integrity in leadership.

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This study explores the concept of integrity in leadership and encourages participants to remain steadfast in their commitment to serve God, based on the unchanging nature of God. The study includes an icebreaker and discussion questions on Hebrews 13:8, as well as an optional activity to brainstorm practical ways to cultivate integrity in leadership.

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This bible study will focus on the importance of integrity in choosing to serve God through a discussion of Isaiah 6:1-7. Participants will reflect on their own encounters with God and examine how Isaiah's response to God's call can inspire their own commitment to serving God with integrity.

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In this study, participants will explore the importance of integrity in our relationship with God and with others. Using Matthew 23 as a guide, we will discuss how to cultivate and maintain integrity in our lives, as well as how to encourage others to do the same. The study includes an icebreaker and an optional activity to brainstorm practical ways to practice integrity in our daily lives.

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This study will explore the importance of living with integrity as leaders in the church, based on 1 Timothy 4:15-16. Participants will discuss the meaning of integrity and how it relates to our character and behavior. The study also includes an icebreaker and an optional activity to brainstorm practical ways to live with integrity and encourage others to do the same.

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About the teacher

Ron Kelleher

I am the founder of Work Life Bible Study and CEO of Inspired Leadership, Inc. 

After retiring from a 36-year business career, I entered Talbot Seminary at BIOLA University where I completed my Masters in Biblical Studies and Theology. Following my graduation from seminary, I was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel. I started Bible Study Daily because my desire is for you to know God more deeply, understand his Word more clearly, and apply it daily as you live out your purpose-driven life!

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