Ruth Book Study

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Book Study

4 Lessons

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Participants in this series of bible studies on Ruth will learn various leadership lessons and principles that can be applied in their personal and professional lives. They will discover the importance of leading with love, loyalty, grace, boldness, and investing in future generations to build a legacy of excellence. Through the exploration of the book of Ruth, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how to create a positive work environment, cultivate relationships, and maintain integrity and character in leadership roles. The lesson series will inspire and challenge participants to lead with purpose and passion, with the ultimate goal of bringing about positive change in their communities and organizations.

Ruth Book Study

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This bible study lesson will explore the themes of loyalty and leadership as revealed in the book of Ruth, chapter 1. Participants will discover how loyalty, even in the face of adversity, can inspire others and strengthen their leadership. The study will also examine how leaders can cultivate a sense of belonging and community, and how they can provide hope in times of despair. The lesson will conclude with a time of personal reflection and application on how to demonstrate loyalty and inspire others through leadership.

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This bible study lesson will explore the theme of grace and leadership as revealed in Ruth 2. Participants will discover how grace, both given and received, can transform workplaces and inspire others. The study will also examine how leaders can foster a culture of kindness and generosity, and how they can create opportunities for growth and development. The lesson will conclude with a time of personal reflection and application on how to demonstrate grace and inspire others through leadership.

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This bible study lesson will explore the theme of boldness and leadership as revealed in Ruth 3. Participants will discover how taking calculated risks and stepping out of their comfort zones can lead to growth and success. The study will also examine how leaders can make strategic decisions and take action to achieve their goals, while maintaining integrity and character. The lesson will conclude with a time of personal reflection and application on how to demonstrate boldness and inspire others through leadership.

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This bible study lesson will explore the theme of legacy and leadership as revealed in Ruth 4. Participants will discover how leaders can leave a lasting impact by investing in future generations and building a legacy of excellence. The study will also examine how leaders can prioritize relationships and prioritize the well-being of their team members. The lesson will conclude with a time of personal reflection and application on how to build a legacy of leadership and inspire others to do the same.

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About the teacher

Ron Kelleher

I am the founder of Work-Life Bible Study and CEO of Inspired Leadership, Inc. 

After retiring from a 36-year business career, I entered Talbot Seminary at BIOLA University, where I completed my Masters in Biblical Studies and Theology. Following my graduation from seminary, I was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel. I started Work-Life Bible Study because my desire is for every small group that meets in a workplace to have access to Bible Study materials designed to help you strengthen your faith and build deeper relationships with your colleagues in the workplace.

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