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Topical: Personal Development

5 Lessons

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Business people participating in this Bible study on wisdom will learn that wisdom is a vital component of successful leadership. The passages studied in the Bible study, such as Proverbs 8:1-36 and Job 28:12-28, emphasize the importance of seeking wisdom, knowledge, and understanding in decision-making. The study will also highlight the value of seeking guidance from God, as demonstrated in 1 Kings 3:5-14. Participants will learn to avoid the dangers of pride and to seek wise counsel, as emphasized in Proverbs 1:20-33. Lastly, Proverbs 24:14 will teach them the importance of perseverance and hard work in achieving success. Overall, this study will help business people cultivate wisdom, make wise decisions, and lead with integrity and purpose.


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This study is based on Job 28:12-28 and explores the value of wisdom in leadership. Participants will reflect on the importance of seeking wisdom from God and how it can transform their leadership practices. The study concludes with a personal application to encourage participants to identify areas where they can seek wisdom and apply it to their leadership roles.

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This study is based on 1 Kings 3:5-14, where King Solomon asked God for wisdom to lead his people. Participants will explore the importance of seeking wisdom from God and the benefits of making wise decisions. The study concludes with a personal application to encourage participants to seek wisdom from God in their leadership roles.

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This study is based on Proverbs 1:20-33 and explores the importance of listening to the voice of wisdom. Participants will reflect on the consequences of ignoring wisdom and the blessings that come with following it. The study concludes with a personal application to encourage participants to seek wisdom and apply it to their lives.

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This study is based on Proverbs 24:14 and explores the importance of knowledge and wisdom in leadership. Participants will reflect on the benefits of seeking knowledge and wisdom, and how it can help them make wise decisions in their personal and professional lives. The study concludes with a personal application to encourage participants to pursue knowledge and wisdom for personal growth and to better serve their communities.

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About the teacher

Ron Kelleher

I am the founder of Work Life Bible Study and CEO of Inspired Leadership, Inc. 

After retiring from a 36-year business career, I entered Talbot Seminary at BIOLA University, where I completed my Masters in Biblical Studies and Theology. Following my graduation from seminary, I was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel. I started Work Life Bible Study because my desire is for every small group that meets in a workplace to have access to Bible Study materials designed to help you strengthen your faith and build deeper relationships with your colleagues in the workplace.

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