Welcome to the Work-Life Bible Study library!

There are dozens of studies with hundreds of individual lessons for you to choose from. They are organized as follows:

  • Topical Studies: Personal Development
  • Topical Studies: Skill Development
  • Topical Studies: Relationship Development
  • Book Studies: Old Testament
  • Book Studies: New Testament
  • Character Studies: Old Testament
  • Character Studies: New Testament
  • Word Studies: Digging Deeper
  • Inspired Leadership

Help Me Decide!

If you're not sure which type of course is best for your group, click the "Help Selecting Study" button below. A short quiz about your group will point you in the direction of a type of course suited for your group!

I've Decided!

Once you find a study that looks interesting to you, click the "Select Your Study" button below to go to the main course page, where you can learn more about the course and decide if it's the right one for you! Or, if you prefer, just click the hotlink on the course title below and go directly to the course.

Topical Studies: Personal Development

Personal Development studies range from 4-6 lessons per study and are well suited for all participants.

Topical Studies: Skill Development

Skill Development studies range from 4-6 lessons per study and are well suited for all participants.

Topical Studies: Relationship Development

Relationship Development studies range from 4-6 lessons per study and are well suited for all participants.

Book Studies: Old Testament

Book studies are the shortest and longest studies in our library! Each lesson covers one chapter of the chosen book, so the courses vary in length from 2 - 28 lessons. Leadership is a prominent theme in these studies.

Book Studies: New Testament

Book studies are the shortest and longest studies in our library! Each lesson covers one chapter of the chosen book, so the courses vary in length from 2 - 28 lessons. Leadership is a prominent theme in these studies.

Character Studies: Old Testament

Character studies explore the strengths and weaknesses of major Old Testament Bible characters. These courses are considered "intermediate" difficulty because they require some independent study. These courses vary in length from 7-14 lessons.

Character Studies: New Testament

Character studies explore the strengths and weaknesses of major New Testament Bible characters. These courses are considered "intermediate" difficulty because they require some independent study. These courses vary in length from 7-14 lessons.

Word Studies: Digging Deeper

Word studies examine specific words related to the workplace. Verses from both the Old and New Testaments are included in the studies. These studies are considered "advanced" because they include references to the original Hebrew and Greek. These courses vary in length from 8-15 lessons.

Inspired Leadership

The focus of the Inspired Leadership studies is on equipping, empowering, and encouraging Christian leaders in the workplace to be the powerful and inspired leaders God intends us to be. These intermediate difficulty courses vary in length from 4-5 lessons.

Bible Studies designed specifically for your workplace small group!
